The Impacts of Trade Restrictions, Market Imperfections, and Green Finance
13-15 May 2019 Paris (France)

Call for papers


Call for papers (pdf)

In order to submit a paper, you must have a "" account. Creating one takes only one minute (click on "create account" in the drop-down login box, at the top right of the current page). 

NB: Submissions will be examined by the scientific committee only after the payment of the submission fees of 25 euros. For the payment procedure, please refer to the the confirmation email that will be sent after you have completed your submission. 

Exemption of submission fees:

 Are exempted of submission fees:

- the residents of IDB borrowing member countries

- the residents of countries listed “LDCs,” “Other Low Income”, or “Lower Middle-Income” in the most recent “DAC List of ODA Recipients” (OECD) 


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